Saturday, March 21, 2020

Physics Lab Report What Keeps a Stopper Moving in a Circle Essays

Physics Lab Report What Keeps a Stopper Moving in a Circle Essays Physics Lab Report What Keeps a Stopper Moving in a Circle Paper Physics Lab Report What Keeps a Stopper Moving in a Circle Paper Practice whirling the stopper in a horizontal plane until you can keep the paper clip a short distance just below the bottom of the tube. If the paper clip touches the bottom of the tube, then the clamp is no longer supplying the centripetal force. If the paper clips rises or falls appreciably as the stopper whirls then the radius of the circle is changing. B. Constant Radius and Variable Speed 3. With the paper clip against the tube and the string pulled taut, measure the length of the string from the top of the tube to the stopper. Record this as the radius, r, for all three data runs in 4. Whirl the stopper while maintaining a constant force reading on the scale. Once you obtain a constant force, start the stop watch and continue the whirling while monitoring the force. Stop the stopwatch after 30 rev. 5. Record your force and time in data table 1, data run 1. 6. Increase the rate of whirling while maintaining the clip just below the bottom of the tube, and observe what happens to the tension measured by the spring scale. It should increase. Repeat step 4 t this higher spring force. 7. Record your force and time in data table 1, data run 1. 8. Repeat step 6 and record the data in table 1, data run 2. C. Contact force and Variable Radius 9. Change the position of the paper clip to decrease the radius uniform circular motion for the stopper. Try to get as small a radius as you can and still be able to maintain a constant force. 10. Whirl the stopper while maintaining a constant force on the scale. Start the stop watch and continue the whirling while monitoring the force. Stop the stopwatch after 30 rev. 11. Record your force and time in data table 2, data run 1. With the paper clip against the bottom of the tube and the string pulled taut, measure the length of the string from the top of the tube to the stopper. Record this as the radius, r, in table 2, data run 1. 12. Change the position of the paper clip to increase the radius uniform circular motion for the stopper. Repeat step 10 at the same spring force as data run 1 . 13. Record your force and time in data table 2, data run 1. With the paper clip against the bottom of the tube and the string pulled taut, measure the length of the string from the top of the tube to the stopper. Record this as the radius, r, in table 2, data run 2. 14. Repeat step 12 measure the length of the string from the top of the tube to the stopper. Record this as the radius, r, in table 2, data run 2. Number of Revs 30 Table 1 Time ass IIS as Radius 0. 3 m 0. Mm Table 2 8. 94 s ass 0. 1 m 0. 2 m 3. 4. 1 . What does your data show about the relationship between centripetal force and change in speed at a constant radius of circular motion? 1 . As the speed increases the centripetal force also increases. 2. What do your data show about the relationship between radius of circular motion and change in speed at a constant centripetal force? 2. As the radius increases so does the speed of the stopper. 3. Analysis the resulting plot. Is there a pattern? If so what does the pattern mean? 4. Formulate an equation for the relationship between the spring force and the centripetal acceleration of the stopper. What does this equation tell you about the spring force? This shows that the spring force is in direct relation to the centripetal force. 5. Justify the method of recording time for 30 rev to minimize the error associated with calculating the speed of the stopper. In other labs you have used multiple data runs and averaged the data to minimize the random error associated with measuring. Why did you not have to do that on 5. To get the most accurate time we had the person timing also count the revolutions of the stopper. And we didnt have to do multiple data runs because the time is the least important In this lab we found that the variables of circular motion are directly related. We accomplished our goal which was to relate the variables involved in uniform circular motion. I also proved my hypothesis incorrect, my hypothesis was that the velocity of the stopper will increase as the radius is shortened, which in fact as the radius was shortened the velocity decreased. In this lab there were several sources of error, the stopper was spinning so fast we may have miss counted how many revolutions it had, and the force was not constant the entire time.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile 13th Edition

How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile 13th Edition At long last†¦ How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile, 13th  Edition is on sale!! Since March of this year, LinkedIn seems to be making changes to its platform on a daily basis. I have been diligently editing my book as the changes roll in, and I finally feel comfortable enough, now that the major features seem to have settled, that I am â€Å"pulling the trigger† and publishing the 13th  Edition of How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile. As I went through the process of creating this edition, I realized that there’s probably a different format that will be more easily kept current. I’ve decided this will be the FINAL version of How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile in its current form! So if you want a comprehensive, up-to-date LinkedIn resource for 2018, now’s the time to get it – for just $9.97! If you do choose to pick up a copy of my book, note that only the e-book has been updated. It is the ONLY book I know of on the market with all the latest images from the current LinkedIn platform. If you get the print version, there will be parts that are out of date, but you can subscribe at no extra cost to get the book in PDF format. that way you can refer to the PDF for anything you need. What’s in the Book? Here’s just a taste of what’s in the 13th edition of How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile: Revised images and instructions throughout to match LinkedIns new redesign Update on which features have really disappeared and which have moved Mobile-specific instructions Special advice from a past recruiter How to create an All-Star profile The new face of LinkedIn Jobs And more! Get KILLER LinkedIn Tips All in One Place Over the past six months, I have published multiple articles about the new LinkedIn. You could certainly take the time to read them all individually. Be warned, however, that some of the material in these articles is already outdated – and they do not cover everything that’s in the new edition of my book. Here’s where you can go to get a sense of just a few of the updates you’ll find in the 13th edition of How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile: Everything You Need to Know About the New LinkedIn Recommendations Section How to Find a Job Using LinkedIn How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Headline The Incredible Disappearing LinkedIn Profile – Part II From the Mouth of LinkedIn: 6 Things You Need to Know The Incredible Disappearing LinkedIn Profile – Part I But why go to six different places when you could get everything in one total package? Remember, this is the last year that How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile will exist in its current format. If you purchase the PDF, I’ll continue to provide you with updates until January 2019 if relevant changes occur on LinkedIn. After that, I’m scheming up something new! Also, starting a month from now, the PDF version of my book will NOT be available for sale for three months on my website. So now is the time to get the best, most up-to-date handbook that exists on writing a KILLER LinkedIn profile. I’m open to ideas for what to create next. If there’s anything you’d like to see for my next resource about LinkedIn, please share!